The Perspecta - Mid-century Modern Stories
Modernist design: it is timeless, clean, functional, and often familiar. The more you learn, the more you recognize… it is all around us. Upon reflection, admiration grows. The Perspecta aims to expand your knowledge, through tastefully interviewing the most interesting, conversant, and influential members of our community. Come listen, subscribe, and start discovering your next mid-century modern obsession right now.
The Perspecta - Mid-century Modern Stories
Jake Snider of Minus the Bear | Episode 4
Dream come true! What is more fun than sitting down with one of your favorite musicians and talking about mid-century modern design & architecture? We spoke about Jake’s personal connection to Herman Miller, learned about hi-fi audio equipment, reviewed influences & style in his music, and discussed architecture across Europe and the Northwest US. Go listen to “Absinthe Party At The Fly Honey Warehouse”, sit down in your favorite chair, and come join our tour & conversation with Jake Snider.
Episode Artwork Photo by Ryan Muir