The Perspecta - Mid-century Modern Stories
Modernist design: it is timeless, clean, functional, and often familiar. The more you learn, the more you recognize… it is all around us. Upon reflection, admiration grows. The Perspecta aims to expand your knowledge, through tastefully interviewing the most interesting, conversant, and influential members of our community. Come listen, subscribe, and start discovering your next mid-century modern obsession right now.
The Perspecta - Mid-century Modern Stories
Jim Pearsall with Adrian Pearsall | Episode 5
One of our goals in starting this podcast was to learn about influential mid-century modern designers, from first hand accounts; not many relationships are closer than that of father and son. Jim was able to recount beautiful personal experiences with his father Adrian Pearsall, and spoke about his close collaboration with him - from furnishing restaurants, to designing custom pieces, and directly working together at Craft Associates. Jim told us all about the house he grew up in, which Adrian designed - and we spoke in depth about his experience being the custodian of his father’s work and legacy. Pull up a bean bag chair around the fire & warm up to our familial conversation with Jim Pearsall.